Control Your Production Quality with Data & AI, Save Money and Time
Implementing Machine Learning Systems for Enhanced Production and Logistics Process Management in the Industrial Sector
Find the right problem, measure effects and implement stable solutions.
We specialize in helping companies in analyzing the potential of implementing machine learning in practice so it brings measurable benefits for their business. We work on advanced R&D and support the implementation of innovative solutions keeping the know-how within your company.
We analyze your case together using hard data to find the best place for machine learning to help you grow your business. Next, we set goals and KPIs, and plan experiments.
We experiment to provide you with the right prototype that will solve your problem and work well in production.
You are a part of the process every step of the way so that the know-how stays in your organization and your team will be able to maintain and develop the project.
Transfer of know-how
We are not just the service provider. We are your partner.
Why DataWorkshop?
We are continuously experimenting and developing our skills in machine learning to give you the best solutions for your business.
  • Best quality
    We believe in measurable benefits - counted in money, better effectiveness of your team and customers' satisfaction.
  • Individual approach
    Every solution is perfectly tailored to your company's needs. You have a unique problem? Let's talk about it. We will work out a cooperation model that will fit perfectly.
  • Support
    We become partners when we start our cooperation. You can count on us every step of the way.
  • Your comfort
    We make sure the know-how stays with you after our cooperation is completed so that your team can independently maintain and develop the project.
Research and correct definition of the problem
How we work?
Data preparation and analysis
Correct metrics set up
We will train your team
If you think about implementing AI in your organization, remember about training people who will work with it. This investment will pay off.
Unique materials and examples tailored to your industry and needs.
We organize regular online courses that your team can join.
Workshops for business
Online courses
hello (at)

ul. Mogilska 43
31-545 Cracow, Poland
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