Online training

Training author/CEO DataWorkshop <Vladimir Alekseichenko/>

How to use it in your work
years of experience with Data Science & Machine Learning

(large language model)

100% practice
When dealing with big data, learning how to use an LLM beneficial.
Here are a few reasons why:
  • 1
    Handling vast amounts of data
    Big data is characterized by its sheer volume, velocity, and variety. LLMs, such as ChatGPT, are designed to process and analyze large amounts of text data efficiently. They can help you extract insights, identify patterns, and gain a deeper understanding of the information within the data.
  • 2
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities
    LLMs excel in NLP tasks, which are essential when working with unstructured textual data. They can help you perform tasks like sentiment analysis, topic modeling, language translation, and text summarization. By leveraging an LLM's NLP capabilities, you can unlock valuable information from your big data.
  • 3
    Advanced language generation
    LLMs are capable of generating human-like text, allowing you to automate the generation of reports, summaries, and other textual outputs. Instead of manually processing and analyzing huge volumes of data, an LLM can assist you in automating repetitive tasks and accelerate your data analysis workflow.
  • 4
    Decision support and predictive analytics
    LLMs can be trained on vast amounts of historical data, enabling them to learn patterns and make predictions. By utilizing an LLM, you can leverage its predictive analytics capabilities to make data-driven decisions and gain insights into future trends, behaviors, and outcomes.
  • 5
    Enhanced data exploration and visualization
    LLMs can assist in exploring and visualizing big data effectively. By generating natural language descriptions or summaries of complex data sets, they can help you communicate insights to stakeholders in a more understandable and interpretable way.
  • 6
    Continuous learning and adaptation
    LLMs can be continually trained and fine-tuned as new data becomes available. This allows them to adapt and improve their performance over time, ensuring that your analyses and models stay up-to-date with the latest information.

LLM - it is a powerful tool in the realm of data analysis and can significantly enhance your ability to derive meaning from large datasets.
Learning how to use an LLM
when dealing with big data can empower you to extract:
  • Valuable insights
  • Automate tasks
  • Make predictions
  • Communicate complex information effectively
Our Advantages
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • High Quality
    We are a leading firm in providing quality and value to our customers.
  • Unique Experience
    Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience.
  • Good Support
    Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us during the weekends and at night.
  • Nice Gifts
    We like to make people happy. We ask our clients about their birthday and prepare cool presents.
  • Individual Approach
    This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
  • Effective Services
    We care about our clients' time. Just give us a call, and we will help you with all the questions.
☝️How do you achieve this with us?
Training specific skills and using tools that are industry standard in Data Science & Machine Learning:

You log on to our platform

You get access to data, materials and an environment where you work through the material, analyse data and train models.You operate at any time of day - when it is most convenient for you. You have 24/7 access to the learning environment throughout the course.
Problem to be solved

You can learn by theory or by concrete examples. We recommend the latter option :)
From the very beginning, you assimilate knowledge and acquire skills that you will later use in your work.
Working with data
The course material is enriched with many interesting datasets, on which you learn to solve common business problems and use DS and ML tools in lessons. However, before we move on to modelling, you learn in practice what analyses are worth doing before to help you make typical decisions in your Data Scientist job.
Solving Machine Learning
How to train the ML model? Which model will perform better in a given situation? How to improve the model's outcome? Which metric of success to choose? How to validate? With our help, you will do a lot of experiments to see what works and how it works. We will also tell you what we know from our experience to save you time.

Who is our training for?

Data Scientist
ML engineer (Senior)
CTO, Tech Lead
Founder /Сo-founder, СЕО, Product owner
for CTO
for Founder
for Сo-founder
for СЕО
for Product owner
for Tech Lead
for Data Scientist
for ML engineer (Senior)
This is how many editions of courses we have completed in DataWorkshop
So many people trust DataWorkshop courses
Persons give ★★★★★ (max) per DataWorkshop course ❤️

Online courses from DataWorkshop

Programme author -
Vladimir Alekseichenko
  • I have 10 years of practical experience in Machine Learning and Data Science programming;

  • 15 years' experience in US and European companies of all sizes (from corporations to startups);

  • I have deployed several hundred Machine Learning models in production that are making money for themselves;

  • I am the CEO and founder of DataWorkshop;

  • I provide consultancy to companies on how to implement machine learning in the right way to extract value from data with the help of Machine Learning;

  • I build models and the entire model management and validation pipeline for large-scale companies;

  • I teach others based on my experience in courses and other educational initiatives - more than 3,000 participants have completed my dedicated competence improvement training;

  • I created and hosted the Business of Thought podcast (> 200,000 listens).
I teach in such a way as to give you very specific tools to work with ML data and models

DataWorkshop graduates are working in:

Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Orange, Oracle, Cisco, Nokia, Motorola, Adobe, General Electric, Allegro, OLX, Asseco, Comarch, Ryanair, UBS, Revolut, Santander, ING, PKO, RTV EURO AGD, CANAL+, RTB House, Brainly, zooplus, FreshMail, GetResponse...

Want to join the best?


299,00 EUR
Wolisz mieć konkretny termin startu i czujesz większą motywację, jak w tym samym momencie uczą się z Tobą na kursie inne osoby? Dołącz do grupy i osiągnijcie cel w tym samym czasie ????

  • Certyfikat po ukończeniu kursu (warunek: co najmniej 80% wykonania kursu)
  • Dostęp do środowiska 24/7 przez aż 8 tygodni od momentu startu kursu.
  • Nie musisz niczego instalować - logujesz się i działasz w naszym interaktywnym środowisku, gdzie masz dane, materiały i trenujesz modele na naszych serwerach.
  • Start kursu w określonym datą momencie, kurs trwa 8 tygodni - w tym czasie kończysz cały program i nabywasz nowe kompetencje.
  • Dostęp do zamkniętej grupy na Slacku wraz z możliwością zadawania pytań na bieżąco dotyczących materiału kursu.
  • Dostęp do nagrań kursu i innych materiałów wspierających główny zakres (dodatkowe linki, mindmapy itp. )
  • Możliwość wzięcia udziału w konkursie na Kaggle i zmierzenie się w ramach zdrowej grywalizacji z innymi uczestnikami połączone z podpowiedziami, jak budować portfolio.

Co zyskujesz kupując ten kurs?
  • Motywujemy Cię do działania w ramach grupy i określonego czasu, to działa :)
START: 18 September 2023
Do you need an invoice?
Write to us: hello@dataworkshop.eu
What the training contains
What do people say about DataWorkshop?
DataWorkshop is more than an education company
We deal exclusively with machine learning projects

We have been in the business of extracting value from data for more than 10 years, and machine learning helps a lot with that.

We keep the focus and don't get distracted. We are in the ML / AI business and we teach it to others in a way that helps everyone with commercial projects.

We are practitioners
We have already implemented hundreds of ML models into production that are making money for themselves.

We help companies both to build their first models and to improve existing models production-wise.

We have worked for various industries: telco, real estate, automotive, edtech, logistics, etc.
We share with you what works in practice, not on paper....
We teach what we are great at. We have proven ourselves in the field of battle and we operate in the field of education so that we can also prepare you to work with data and Machine Learning models.

Do you want to operate effectively in the Data Science and Machine Learning industry? Work with us to develop practical skills and build a career as an expert in this industry.
Do you have any questions? Write away!
również możesz pisać na:
hello (małpa) dataworkshop.eu
ul. Mogilska 43
31-545 Kraków, Polska