We start with a quick warm-up and preliminary analysis of what's available in our data and identify the problems we want to solve.
Pareto's Law in practice (selecting a group of customers and products that bring 80% of business value)
We will apply the Pareto principle to specific examples - by testing it in practice, thereby analyzing the data.
We will describe objects (products, customers, orders, etc.) using attributes that highlight the most important group. This will allow You to prioritize and manage Your work faster, easier and more efficiently.
First of all, we will deal with decision tree, and then we will apply gradient boosting.
The most important thing in this tutorial is that you will be able to train models even if they turn out to be "black boxes" for you.
A sneak peek into our machine learning model ;) Thanks to this day you will learn which features are key for top customers and top products - so you can make the right decisions based on data.
We have prepared an interesting BONUS for you, which we will keep secret for now, join and find out about everything one of the first.