Learn the possibilities of
Artificial Intelligence in practice
5 days of practice in
Analysing e-commerce data from the UK using Python and Machine Learning.
Data Science
Online | Start 18 December
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Opportunity to try yourself as a Data Scientist for free - the most promising and in-demand profession of the 21st century,

Understanding of how Artificial Intelligence works, which everyone is talking about now (you will see one example),

Experience in creating your first machine learning model,

Practical skills and valuable knowledge that are used in machine learning even in the largest corporations in the world,

Access to servers where the training will take place (you only need the internet and any device to access it - we have saved you from the need to install complex technical programs and modules),

Practical material developed by a trainer with over 8 years of experience in machine learning and 13 years of commercial programming for European and American companies (such as General Electric, Base/ZenDesk Sell, etc.),

You will learn how to work with data, analyze it, and make informed decisions based on data to improve efficiency in virtually any business and enterprise,

You will train yourself to use the Python programming language (even humanities majors have done well with this),

In practice, you will try your hand at the IT field,

You will see how the Pareto principle works in practice - what 20% of effort you need to put in to get 80% of the result.

What will you get after completing the DWthon intensive, devoting 1-2 hours a day to it:
And all this is FREE - for the first 100 registered participants!
Important! Anyone can participate in the marathon - we do not conduct any tests on knowledge of technical skills.
There are thousands of tasks you can do in your project, company, life....
Most of them will have little or no effect.
What if 80% of the value is created through 20% of the effort?
You define the problem using a specific 'use case'.

You analyze the data to see where the 20/80 rule appears.

You make the right decision based on the data on what to do.

You train the first ML model.

You find the 'golden qualities' of your customers or phenomena and direct your action to achieve the most.

What does this mean in practice? What will you do during the DWthon?
Start analyzing data and using Machine Learning the right way.
23% customers, 80% revenue
4% of customers, 50% of revenue
4% customers, 80% returns
3% of products, 80% of returns
20% customers, 80% revenue
5% customers, 50% revenue
Who is the DWthon online marathon suitable for?
  • For those who dream of trying their hand in the IT field...
    and also for those who want to get the most promising and in-demand profession, the demand for which is only growing every year
  • For those who already work in the IT field and want to gain new knowledge in a promising direction - Data Science/Machine Learning
  • For those who have their own business, to understand how to optimize their activities and increase profits using modern IT tools and stay ahead of their competitors
  • For company leaders who want to develop their employees to improve work efficiency and show great results
What's inside
Day 1
First analysis of the data

We start with a quick warm-up and preliminary analysis of what's available in our data and identify the problems we want to solve.

Tools: jupyter, python, pandas
Day 2

Pareto's Law in practice (selecting a group of customers and products that bring 80% of business value)

We will apply the Pareto principle to specific examples - by testing it in practice, thereby analyzing the data.

Tools: jupyter, python, pandas
Day 3
Features that distinguish top customer and top product groups

We will describe objects (products, customers, orders, etc.) using attributes that highlight the most important group. This will allow You to prioritize and manage Your work faster, easier and more efficiently.

Tools: jupyter, python, pandas, matplotlib
Day 4
Creating and training Machine Learning models in practice

First of all, we will deal with decision tree, and then we will apply gradient boosting.

The most important thing in this tutorial is that you will be able to train models even if they turn out to be "black boxes" for you.

Tools: jupyter, python, pandas, DecisionTreeClassifier, sklearn.model_selection...
Day 5
Experiencing a so-called "aha moment" through your work!

A sneak peek into our machine learning model ;) Thanks to this day you will learn which features are key for top customers and top products - so you can make the right decisions based on data.

Tools: jupyter, python, pandas, DecisionTreeClassifier, sklearn.model_selection, gc, xgboost, библиотека eli5

We have prepared an interesting BONUS for you, which we will keep secret for now, join and find out about everything one of the first.

Tools: knowledge, skills and your creativity
How does DWthon go?
Real data
You work with concrete data and learn how to solve problems using real-life examples.
100% practice
You can theorize for years, just like in school ... But with us, you'll learn how machine learning tools work in business.
Visible effect
We teach through play, well-prepared materials and a ready-made work environment.
You'll have community support every step of the way.
By the end of the marathon You'll learn how to make data-driven decisions that deliver big value without a lot of effort. Understand how to use machine learning in your job, company, project ...
Examples of ready-made solutions from the marathon.
You can do it too!
Who will teach you
Vladimir Alekseichenko
Practical experience in machine learning - 10 years, in programming - 15 years,

He is able to explain complex concepts in math, statistics, programming in simple language, with the help of examples from life and business operation,

More than 500 implemented machine learning models in production,

CEO and founder of DataWorkshop, Founder of DataWorkshop
Foundation (a European foundation in the field of artificial intelligence),

Advises large European companies on implementing machine learning models,

Author of 5 courses: Python for Machine Learning, Practical Introduction to Statistics, Practical Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Time Series (more than 1000 satisfied students who work in large global corporations and 10 000 participants of various educational programs),

Speaker and creator of European conferences in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence,

Creator of free online simulators and marathons on machine learning: "Crown of Trials", "Matrix", "DWgym", "DWthon", "DWtools".

Hosts the Biznes Myśli podcast (> 200,000 listens).

Creative approach,
Critical thinking,
Ability to inspire students and believe in their own abilities,
Ability to guide them in the right direction to achieve their goals.
Creator of machine learning courses / CEO of DataWorkshop


When you finish DWthon, you'll get certificate

You can do it too - we'll help!


we're in the business of teaching
in Data Science/Machine Learning

10 000+


participants from all over the world have been trained by us

DWthon's Online Intensive will demonstrate - not in words, but in action - the kind of learning approach we use in our online machine learning courses.
Our goal is to tell people about author's courses, trainings, and marathons from the European company DataWorkshop, which have already trained more than 10,000 participants from different countries around the world. Students of our courses work in major global corporations: Google, Orange, Intel, Ryanair, Microsfot and others.
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