Data Science & ML
course from scratch

START: May | 4 modules

Course author/CEO DataWorkshop <Vladimir Alekseichenko/>

✓ 100% online
✓ Learning in practice

years of experience with Data Science & Machine Learning


years of experience in commercial programming
Want to invest in developing your skills with Data Science and Machine Learning?

If so, you are in the right place.
Do you recognise these challenges and want to meet them?
I don't know where to start - too much information on the internet, not sure what works and what is most important to start with;

I don't know how to train my own ML model and don't know what to modify and how to modify to improve the result;

I don't know what analyses are worth doing before modelling;

I lack knowledge of what business problems ML can support and how specifically;

I have no practice in model training and feel insecure;

I don't have a portfolio and don't know how to start building one;

I've been learning for a while but still can't structure my knowledge;

How to turn theory into practice;

I don't know how to solve a problem from start to finish, what to look for when analysing data, modelling, selecting success metrics, coaching and validating the ML model.

You build your portfolio already during the course;

You learn what works in practice and what pays you to learn;

You know and understand why and how ML tools are used in practice;

On our course you will first and foremost ACT, not just watch or read;

You will gain knowledge from a practitioner and expert who works commercially on ML projects for many companies.

If at least 1 challenge is yours, you are in the right place.
☝️How do you achieve this with us?
Training specific skills and using tools that are industry standard in Data Science & Machine Learning:

You log on to our platform

You get access to data, materials and an environment where you work through the material, analyse data and train models.You operate at any time of day - when it is most convenient for you. You have 24/7 access to the learning environment throughout the course.
Problem to be solved

You can learn by theory or by concrete examples. We recommend the latter option :)
From the very beginning, you assimilate knowledge and acquire skills that you will later use in your work.
Working with data
The course material is enriched with many interesting datasets, on which you learn to solve common business problems and use DS and ML tools in lessons. However, before we move on to modelling, you learn in practice what analyses are worth doing before to help you make typical decisions in your Data Scientist job.
Solving Machine Learning
How to train the ML model? Which model will perform better in a given situation? How to improve the model's outcome? Which metric of success to choose? How to validate? With our help, you will do a lot of experiments to see what works and how it works. We will also tell you what we know from our experience to save you time.

How is the training going?

You don't have to install anything. You log in and run anytime. You analyse data, train models and experiment on the Jupyter environment we have set up, where our materials are already there. You don't waste time struggling with libraries and installing them, which is unnecessary at this stage.
More than 30 examples and challenges to solve. This allows you to directly turn theoretical issues into practice.
You work on our datasets, we solve the challenges together with the help of ML.
With an organised group on Slack, you can ask questions as many and as many times as you like, even after the course is over ;) Plus you get to know other people in the industry. It's a place where you can count on our support and you become part of the DataWorkshop community.
We keep the theory to the bare minimum and explain with examples and analogies. For those who are eager and hungry for more advanced terms - we have collected material worth knowing that complements each module.

Do you like a combination of learning methods and video support? No problem, we have plenty of recordings. The step-by-step lectures will explain everything that happens in the lessons and code, and the "summaries" will help you find answers to the most frequently asked questions. You'll also learn interesting facts from them, how to deal with unusual challenges and consolidate your knowledge.
As part of the course, you have the opportunity to tackle a business challenge that we prepare as part of each edition to help our participants build a portfolio with a prototype solution.
What does this mean for you? After completing the course, you not only have the knowledge and skills to start taking on professional challenges, but you also have something to show your employer.

Who is our course for?

In short: for those who are determined to grow in the Data Science industry and who focus primarily on practice.

Our participants are often:
the next career step
Analyst / BI specialist
Are your current tools insufficient to meet the demands of the business? On the course you will perform a range of analyses while learning new methods for extracting business value from data.
broadening of competences
Programmer/ IT
Are you planning a change of direction, or maybe you want to prepare to effectively support the Data Science department in your company?
After the course, you will understand what the model and its implementations are from the conceptual, challenge and code side.
career development
Data Scientist
Are you already working in a DS position and taking your first steps in the industry? Or do you feel you are still working with the same methods, yet there are others? This course helps those already in the industry to rise to the next level and accelerate their career development.
management of DS teams
Manager IT / DS
Are you leading a Data Science team but don't feel confident with your understanding of the subject from a practical, challenging and terminological perspective?
This course will give you a good understanding of what a Data Science team does.
for programmers
for analysts
for BI
for managers
This is how many editions of courses we have completed in DataWorkshop
So many people trust DataWorkshop courses
Persons give ★★★★★ (max) per DataWorkshop course ❤️

Online courses from DataWorkshop

Course in DataWorkshop = you learn from an expert and practitioner with many years of experience
You save:
You don't waste time, as at university, on extensive theory that "runs away from your head" right after the exam. You only learn what is practical and works!

You get the most important information that you can use directly in Data Science projects - you get it in a short time and at an affordable price.

Programme author -
Vladimir Alekseichenko
  • I have 10 years of practical experience in Machine Learning and Data Science programming;

  • 15 years' experience in US and European companies of all sizes (from corporations to startups);

  • I have deployed several hundred Machine Learning models in production that are making money for themselves;

  • I am the CEO and founder of DataWorkshop;

  • I provide consultancy to companies on how to implement machine learning in the right way to extract value from data with the help of Machine Learning;

  • I build models and the entire model management and validation pipeline for large-scale companies;

  • I teach others based on my experience in courses and other educational initiatives - more than 3,000 participants have completed my dedicated competence improvement training;

  • I created and hosted the Business of Thought podcast (> 200,000 listens).
I teach in such a way as to give you very specific tools to work with ML data and models

Detailed course program

DataWorkshop graduates are working in:

Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Orange, Oracle, Cisco, Nokia, Motorola, Adobe, General Electric, Allegro, OLX, Asseco, Comarch, Ryanair, UBS, Revolut, Santander, ING, PKO, RTV EURO AGD, CANAL+, RTB House, Brainly, zooplus, FreshMail, GetResponse...

Want to join the best?












Choose your package


428 euro

What's included in the price?
1 person
What's included in the price?

890 euro

What's included in the price?

499 euro

1 person
1 person
- 20+ jupyter notebook with materials (including homework)
- Configured jupyter environment - you open it and can work right away
- Access to a closed group in Slack
- Useful links to additional materials
BASIC + extra:

- 20+ jupyter notebook with materials (including homework)
- Configured jupyter environment - you open it and can work right away
- Access to a closed group in Slack
- Useful links to additional materials
- Access to solutions (including hints, code and video explanation)
- Access to bonuses
- Access to practical project materials

- Certificate after the course
GOLD + extra:

- Individual mentoring for 4 weeks (hour meeting every week)
- Individual assistance and removal of “blockages” in the mind
- Career development assistance (individual tips on how best to prepare for an interview)
- Assistance in implementing your own projects (portfolio)
- Possibility to submit a letter of recommendation
* To receive internal installments, you must write to
Stories of DataWorkshop alumni
Business Intelligence w Ryanair

A very practical course based on really useful algorithms used in business. Although I have already participated in other very good online ML/AI courses where I learned a lot of theory, only here I built models entirely "from start to finish" and got the confidence that I can really do it. Using the best algorithms used in business, a lot of practical problems from different areas, the whole environment set up and available online, the community in Slack and, above all, the amazing activity of the instructor throughout the course (webinars, additional explanations, reactions to problems, individual help) - all this makes this course absolutely unique and very effective. I sincerely recommend it!
Team Leader w Deviniti

I gained a solid chunk of knowledge and my idea of what ML looks like in practice was validated. I learned how important feature development is, what a proper pipeline looks like, and how to validate the hypotheses we test. Consulting under Vladimir's guidance was extremely important to me as I was able to make progress on a problem I was facing professionally. The course gave me not only knowledge, but also experience with real-world problems and the opportunity to learn the basics of a particular way of thinking that should characterize a data scientist. I recommend this course especially to people who already know how to program and who want something more from their professional work than creating new CRUDs or fixing bugs, and at the same time like to analyze dependencies in data and have a certain scientific bias.
Data Analyst w Allegro

Definitely the best training I have ever participated in. Vladimir tried to "attack" the topic from every possible angle, using various tools (video, text, audio, webinars, Slack, etc.). Almost from the very beginning there was a strong focus on practice, which sets the course apart from other materials available. Thanks to this fantastic approach, a lot stays in the mind after the course. What happens next with this knowledge is up to the participants.
CTO w uid8app

FIRE and MUCH KNOWLEDGE. Really appreciate the hands-on approach to the topic and the nuanced implementation. It was a real full immersion in ML! Bravo Vladimir, good knowledge, interesting and challenging exercises and very good webinars. I am already on the next course
Koordynator ds. robotyki w Veolia CUW

This course was unknown to me and I approached it from a great distance (how often are we subjected to intelligent processing, which lunch is the best). The hands-on machine learning course added value every week and that value finally surpassed the price paid and machine learning - great examples, humor and 24/7 help throughout the course - great fun and thank you very much. If you want to learn ML and are looking for sources of knowledge, stop looking - when you're here, you've just found it!
Architekt Systemów Informatycznych w Capital Service S.A.

The perfect course for developers who want to enter the world of machine learning. I was very afraid of the huge amount of templates, rules that discourage me. It turned out that the course showed a simpler face of machine learning, there were a lot of analogies in the real world, which made it easier to understand many issues. I recommend it to anyone who wants to develop in this direction or find out if this is a good direction for the future.

Software Engineering Leader w Nokia

This is a course in which knowledge stays in the memory for a long time. Participants leave the course with the knowledge, materials and skills to start their own project.

The course contains many practical examples, ready-made scenarios, theoretical explanations, and links to self-distributed materials. I recommend the course to people who want to start their adventure with machine learning and are looking for a place where they can learn practical skills.

Senior .Net Developer w Abis

The course met my expectations by 200% !!! Its biggest advantage is the fact that all the science is based on solving real problems using real data! During the course you can immediately see the practical application of the algorithms, which is a great motivation to learn and also opens your eyes to the possibilities of machine learning.

The organization of the course as a whole (video, webinar, backup) is also a big, big plus! You can really see that Vladimir is committed to the best possible knowledge transfer! I recommend it to everyone who is looking forward to it!

Software Engineer w Allegro

It is difficult to find materials that are mainly practice-based and contain structured topics in this area. The course allowed me to systematize my knowledge and indicate where I can go next. After taking the course, I can put ML into practice, but I know that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

In addition, I really liked the storytelling approach, anecdotes with such references to the real world. It gave us a better understanding of the problem at hand.

Business Intelligence Analyst w Britenet

The course is the perfect introduction to the world of machine learning and deep learning for everyone. It not only gave me a better understanding of what both domains are, what algorithms should be used and why, but above all it gave me a solid foundation for further work. Vladimir is always there to help and tries to give help to everyone. The course community in Slack will also offer good advice and lend a helping hand. It's definitely worth participating in, and if someone has a bit more money, buy the higher package.

Software Development Manager w IBM

Very well-prepared and valuable course - in my opinion, excellent preparation to get started in the ML subject. I recommend it! :))
Senior Software Developer w Levi Strauss & Co.

The course organized by Dataworkshop is the best way to get to know machine learning in practice and build models yourself. If you are interested in machine learning, the best place to start is with this course.
Functional/Data Analyst w Aptiv

The course fully met my expectations. Everything was clear and well explained. The tutor cares about the success of each participant and is interested in progress. I definitely recommend it to beginners and those who already know the basics!
CTO w FocusNet

Extremely comprehensive and content-rich training based on practical tasks.

Well prepared environment and materials allow you to focus on learning the material, in addition, the participants create a useful community.

I recommend it to everyone, not just programmers.

Software Developer w Sabre

A huge dose of practical knowledge in an accessible form. Endless examples and analogies from everyday life mean that understanding the material is effortless.

These 8 weeks of the course allowed me to understand what machine learning really is and what solving business problems would look like in practice. This course cannot be compared to any textbook or Coursera course.

What makes this course an incomparably better choice is its interactive nature (webinars, Slack discussions) and Vladimir's full participation. I can say with all responsibility that I have no regrets.

I recommend the course to people who want to see what machine learning and best practices related to solving problems using it look like in practice. They also want to learn the basics of Python and the rather large selection of machine learning libraries that are currently "on top".

Magda Wojciech
Data analyst, Academic teacher

How is Vladimir's machine learning course different? The course is prepared very robustly and thoughtfully. In addition to an accessible explanation of various classification and regression models, the course also focused on details important for applying ML in practice.

If you want to meet an interesting person who has experience in using machine learning in production and at the same time has an excellent ability to explain often complex methods in a clear way, I highly recommend the machine learning course led by Vladimir.

He promised 100% satisfaction with this course and delivered much more. I got the impression that Vladimir puts his whole heart into his work and, importantly, leaves no questions to the course participants, spending a lot of time talking to them and clarifying doubts.

An additional advantage of this course is the opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions on topics related to machine learning, both with Vladimir and with other course participants.

Assistant - University of Lublin

I highly recommend this course to all programmers, but not necessarily Python programmers, but also to anyone interested in data analysis.

In each module, after a short theoretical introduction, all concepts were "reworked" to interesting problems, thanks to which I gained new knowledge in practice, gradually mastering new topics.

After the first module, I was able to use the knowledge gained to work on my own project, which I am very satisfied with. My best investment in 2017 :)

Entrepreneur & Data Ninja

A great move in form. Aimed at using machine learning as a means of adding value to businesses. Knowledge is imparted in a very accessible way.

Great introductory videos for each step of the course. The course has given me a great "fishing rod" to develop my own projects based on machine learning and neural networks.

I recommend the course to programmers who want to quickly learn the latest techniques related to machine learning and neural networks.

I also recommend it to people responsible for implementing technologies in small startups and large companies. You will definitely learn how to do it and what are the best practices in production. If you want to develop a startup implementing an idea using ML, after this course you will be able to do it, and maybe even partially implement it during the course!

Team Leader at

An excellent course on machine learning, it covers a wide range of topics from the basics to more advanced topics. I have no doubt that the material covered in this course is just the tip of the iceberg, with each of the topics presented so clearly (with the help of practical exercises) that further development in the chosen subject should not be a problem.

I recommend the course to anyone interested in machine learning, not just programmers, although a solid Python foundation seems crucial to effectively handling individual modules.

CTO at

The workshops helped me to systematize my knowledge and try to put into practice well-prepared typical tasks.

Thanks to the workshops I met other people interested in this topic, I was able to exchange knowledge and learn more about XGBoost.

The workshops are worth taking part in, they are held in a relaxed atmosphere, and Vladimir has a gift for translating complex things in an accessible way.

If you want to try your hand at machine learning or talk to others about your experiences, I recommend Vladimir's masterclasses.

Łukasz Murawski
Network Quality Sr Specialist at Polkomtel

I highly recommend DataWorkshop. It has been very valuable to me. Vladimir definitely has knowledge and experience in this field.

However, what makes this course special, in my opinion, is his approach to teaching:

→ Students first and foremost - speaking in a language tailored to the audience

→ Top-down approach - high level concept first, then the details

→ Clarity - Vladimir's ability to explain complex topics in simple words.

→ Examples and analogies from real life

Although I am a telecommunications engineer and not a certified programmer, after DataWorkshop I was able to successfully implement several machine learning models at work.

I recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn ML and AI quickly.

Data Engineer at GE

I went to the workshop to learn and systematize what I knew about machine learning so far. The most important thing for me was to familiarize myself with Kaggle and get practical skills, for example, how to use Jupyter Notebooks and write my algorithms in them. It is worth noting that Vladimir leads the workshop in such a way that you can easily keep up before you have no special training.

Thanks to clear instructions on how to prepare for the workshop, I created an Anaconda environment and installed basic Python packages for machine learning.

During the workshop, I learned which Python libraries are used in Data Science and what they are used for. So far I have spent a lot of time setting up the environment, a choice of Python version and libraries is supported. The workshops (as well as the preparation for the workshops) helped me get through this in a very short time.

Master classes are held in classrooms, with a nice atmosphere and teamwork. Vladimir runs a good school :) He starts with a small level of difficulty, gradually diversifies the examples and develops the main task. This encourages questions and discussions.

The workshop convinced me that it's worth exploring the field of data science, getting interested in Kaggle and importantly, unattainable if you dedicate your time to it. They motivated me to further my development and thus change my job :) I now work as a data engineer in the business intelligence department of General Electric.

I recommend it to anyone who is interested in data science and wants to practically work on a problem. If you like asking questions and looking for answers, I highly recommend it.

Customer Success Engineer at

I recommend the workshops to anyone interested in the world. When I first appeared at the workshop, I had no idea about artificial intelligence, let alone its implementation in python.

Today, I can solve similar problems on my own "from production". During the workshops, I gained not only experience in implementing various algorithms, but also a lot of interesting facts about the world, because we worked with real data every time.

I have to admit that sometimes Vladimir introduced elements of competition between participants, which motivated us additionally. I would like to add that this is also a very good option for "networking", because you can meet interesting people among the participants.

Software Developer at ATSI

DataWorkshop with Vladimir is a series of successful data science meetups.

Designed for beginner and intermediate data scientists who want to broaden their horizons with the help of brilliant cases shared by Vladimir.

The very friendly and informal atmosphere encourages the audience to actively participate in the workshops and even lead the meeting with their stories (for a few minutes, of course).

His broad and deep knowledge in artificial intelligence and machine learning allowed him to inspire the participants and teach them new tools and techniques.

It's hard to organize workshops well, especially for people with different technological backgrounds. But with DataWorkshop everything went smoothly, you just had to follow the instructions provided in advance.

Thank you very much :D

Software Consultant at Sabre

Vladmir explains complex machine learning (ML) models and algorithms in a very friendly, reliable and practical way. It covers state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and practical methods of applying them.

Why participate in Data Workshop? High level of classes and interesting presentation of topics. I'm not currently using AI at work, but I have such plans for the near future.

I recommend Data Workshop to people who want to start their adventure with artificial intelligence and practical ways to use it.

Data Scientist

I was fascinated by machine learning, and I was looking for different ways

to increase my knowledge and skills, and that's how I came across Vladimir's workshops.

Thanks to them I got better acquainted with Gradient Boosting methods, and it's great.

Results in practice, but not very well known. I've also been practicing and developing

other methods such as neural networks or hyperparameter tuning.

Workshops are a good opportunity to meet people who are really learning ML, the topic of

it's popular lately, a lot of people talk about it, but almost nobody does anything about it.

To people who want to learn ML, I recommend seminars as an important element.

learning process.

Data Scientist at edrone

I have participated in all the previous workshops. It was (is) an unusual journey through machine learning. Vladimir presented challenging issues of feature design, visualization, cross-validation, gradient boosting or regularization in an accessible and interesting way.

A great advantage of the meetings are the Python source codes run during the sessions. They are well prepared and, in addition to presenting concepts, introduce applications of interesting libraries (e.g. xgboost, keras).

In addition to my knowledge of ML, I also gained practical knowledge of tools (python, jupiter notebook) that will be useful to me in my work.

I recommend Meetups with Vladimir to everyone who is interested in ML and BigData.

Machine Learning Engineer at

During the workshop I learned how to perform the whole process of machine learning, from data preparation through model training to its evaluation and use.

Vladimir explained related issues in an accessible way, often referring to real examples, including the value of machine learning for business.

The workshops improved my knowledge mainly in the area of practical use of popular libraries to solve real-world problems.

Data Scientist at Roche

The workshop allowed me to learn the Machine Learning process, from start to finish. From data analysis, to visualization, to the application of various algorithms, to the tuning of the applied solution.

I knew all the "building blocks", but the workshop put them all together and gave some continuity :).

I appreciate the level of preparation of the materials and the knowledge of the topic of the trainer. It was cool to see the use of a different library for visualization than matplotlib/seaborn 😉.

Attending the workshop allowed me to grow in the direction of Data Science and well, I continue to work in this area.

I would recommend this particular workshop (which I attended) to beginners, but who have already had exposure to programming and data science.
DataWorkshop is more than an education company💪
We deal exclusively with machine learning projects

We have been in the business of extracting value from data for more than 10 years, and machine learning helps a lot with that.

We keep the focus and don't get distracted. We are in the ML / AI business and we teach it to others in a way that helps everyone with commercial projects.

We are practitioners
We have already implemented hundreds of ML models into production that are making money for themselves.

We help companies both to build their first models and to improve existing models production-wise.

We have worked for various industries: telco, real estate, automotive, edtech, logistics, etc.
We share with you what works in practice, not on paper....
We teach what we are great at. We have proven ourselves in the field of battle and we operate in the field of education so that we can also prepare you to work with data and Machine Learning models.

Do you want to operate effectively in the Data Science and Machine Learning industry? Work with us to develop practical skills and build a career as an expert in this industry.
For participants who complete at least 80% of the course.

The result is guaranteed!

or a refund (up to 7 days from the start of the course)!
I, as a course author, do put my heart and care about helping you in science, but I have enough humility and realization that I am human too :).

I realize that I can only help some people who are happy with my approach to learning. If it turns out that this approach is not very effective for You, I guarantee to refund Your money in such a situation. You have 7 days from the start of the course to decide if the course is right for you.
Write to us and we'll reply 🥳